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At Cherukuri Vidyalayam, we believe that all children possess unique intelligence within them that needs to be harnessed and encouraged to bloom. In accordance with this belief, the admissions are based on the caliber of the student, especially mental organization, creativity and critical thinking skills. Our admission concept is driven by the methodology of intelligence test wherein assessment tests are taken to determine the proclivity of each child.

Admissions to Cherukuri Vidyalayam are subject to vacancies in the respective grades and based on a written test for Class I upwards. The Admission tests are held on all working days and the outcome of the same is announced on a working day within a week. Those seeking admission to the Primary years are interviewed by the grade teacher to ascertain their readiness for a particular grade.

The Registration Form, duly filled, may be submitted with Rs. 100/- in cash prior to taking the admission test. The Registration forms must be mailed to:

Address :
The Admissions Officer,
Cherukuri Educational Society,
Contact No: 0883-2496356